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Bolster your digital skillset with this short course from AFTRS

Almost every area of the creative industries – be it film, media, music, and more – is well and truly intertwined with digital by now. Musicians live online, every piece of high-profile media released needs a digital marketing run, and creative is wasted without consideration for how it will be received online.

If digital is an area you’re interested in moving into or learning more about, the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) has an intensive course with your name on it.

aftrs digital producer intensive

Become a master of digital with the AFTRS Digital Producer Intensive, a short course aimed at digital producers, digital project managers, and anyone else with a keen interest.

The Digital Producer Intensive is a five-day course open to anyone with some social media, project management, communications, or marketing experience. It runs from the 28th of January until the 1st of February.

The course also includes industry guests from the ABC, Grumpy Sailor, XAM Consulting, and many others. A short list of skills you will learn include:

  • Understanding the technical lingo and becoming a translator for your clients
  • Tools of the trade: prototyping, project management and team management
  • An introduction to digital production methodologies including waterfall, agile and scrum
  • How to pitch a Digital project/strategy for a target audience

To find out more or to enrol in the AFTRS Digital Producer Intensive, click here.