The City of Sydney are today considering scrapping their legendary New Year’s Eve fireworks for a drone light show. The motion being presented to Council aims to find a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to the $6.5 million celebrations, following this year’s controversial show.
Drone light shows are becoming globally popular, with the 2018 Seoul Winter Olympics and Superbowl opting for the environmentally-friendly technology.
Sydney’s iconic NYE fireworks may become a thing of the past, as Council votes on whether to use drones to reduce emissions.
Liberal councillor Craig Chung will propose the change to Council during today’s meeting. “As the first major city to celebrate New Year, all eyes are on us,” Chung said about the motion. “It would be a great signal to the world that Sydney is progressive and looking for ways in which it can reduce emissions.“
“It has to be something comparably spectacular. People were very concerned at the fireworks going ahead while the bushfires were raging around Australia, so this at least will go part way to addressing the concern if we are facing crises like that.”
The City of Sydney was heavily criticised for not cancelling this year’s NYE fireworks, despite the ongoing bushfire crisis ravaging the country. The ACT’s emergency management authority chose to call off Canberra’s NYE event due to the “unprecedented and extreme weather conditions” the state was facing.
Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has not indicated how she will vote but has expressed her support for drone-controlled light technology in the past.