
Rude shock for Genesis Owusu fans as floor collapses mid-boogie

Genesis Owusu fans shocked as Enmore Theatre floor collapses mid-show, but tonight’s Young Franco performance scheduled to go ahead.

A gig at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney’s inner-west was stopped last night after part of the dance floor collapsed in the middle of a sold-out performance by singer, Genesis Owusu.

Over 100 people dancing were interrupted at the popular Enmore venue when the floor gave way and caved-in under the audience’s weight.

Luckily, no one was injured and punters alert Genesis Owusu, who proceeded to halt the concert.

“The floor just caved in,” audience member Joe Hardy tweeted.


Security guards moved the audience to the outskirts of the dance floor and sectioned off the sunken area with a barricade and wheelie bins.

ARIA-winning artist Owusu then informed the audience that the show would be postponed.

“There’s like a real drop under that so this is actually really dangerous,” he told the crowd.

“We’re going to have to reschedule the show, unfortunately.”

Speaking to Triple J this morning, Genesis Owusu commented, “my perspective of the whole thing is we were doing the second song, everything’s going well, I see people like in the middle of the crowd start to form a circle.

“Then the side of stage hits me in my ear-piece saying, ‘hold the show! Hold the show!’ and I’m thinking there’s like some technical difficulties, so I’m thinking he means hold the song while we figure this out.

“But he meant… there is a hole in the floor [and] immediately we had to pause the song.”

After the show, Owusu posted a message reading: “all silliness aside, everyone is safe and in good spirits.

“It was nice to feel for things to feel like it was getting back to normal for a second there. Round two sometime soon?”

A statement from the Enmore Theatre said the incident was caused by the “relentless rain” that the city of Sydney has endured this week.

“Last night we made the decision to stop the Genesis Owusu show due to three piers at the point where the theatre inclines shifting underneath the carpet, creating an uneven floor”.

“The floor of the theatre has been assessed and remediation works have commenced.

“We have isolated the section that was affected by water and are further reinforcing the surrounding areas as a further precaution.”

Enmore Theatre will go ahead with the Young Franco show scheduled for tonight.