
Copy and paste these symbols to spice up your social media ♥

In an increasingly visual world, copy and paste these slick symbols to make your messages stand out and leave readers asking how you did it.

✿ Hello, and welcome to your life hack for the day. When we haven’t been obsessing over comma usage, us folks at Happy have been scouring the web, locating the snazziest symbols to copy and paste into your social media and emails.

These symbols are superior to emojis, and they’re cross-platform. That’s right. From Twitter to Gmail, you’re all good to go. (Disclaimer: ok, there are a few exceptions, but not many). ✿

copy and paste symbols
Image: Jonny Czar

❦ To use these symbols yourself, simply double-tap to highlight, then copy and paste. It’s really that easy. Your days of misinterpreted text dilemmas are over.

With so many visual possibilities available, we’ve narrowed down the selection to our top 3 for each category. So, without further ado, enjoy your scroll, and be sure to let us know your favourite one. ❦


Basic and brilliant:


For the art students:

Bullet points

The trusty, stock standard:

A raunchy take on a classic:

Clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds:


The most eccentric brackets on the market: ⫷ ⫸

You never know when you’ll need ’em: ━ │

Triangles. I’ve got nothing: ◤ ◢


Very fancy, certainly a flex: ❦ 

Nice and simple:

Leunig would probably draw a love heart like this:


Colour AND sparkle:

Just like the stickers your primary school teacher used:

Only slightly more realistic:


Straight to the point:

This way, Pac-man:

Cupid’s arrow:


Flower power:

Bird’s eye view of a helicopter:

The basic one:


Straight outta the textbook:

Charmingly crooked:

Don’t forget to vote:

Handy to have

You’ll definitely need these at some point: ® ©


Universally recognised:

Checkers anyone?

For the mapmakers:

Our favourite things

Peace & love, peace & love:

Without a song or a dance, what are we? Also, get hyped for ABBA’s new music:

Before literally anything else:


Go directly to jail:

Do not pass go:

Do not collect $200:


You can use this forever:

‘Bout as symbolic as it gets:


Finally, the numbers

And there you have it! Go forth and enjoy this visual approach to 21st-century communication. ✌

Up Next: The 5 golden comma rules that everyone should know