
Ever wondered what US Presidents do after their time in office? Check out Obama’s job offer from Spotify

After his service comes to an end, President Barack Obama will kind of be jobless. However, Spotify are jumping to his rescue with a decent job offer.

What seems like the perfect fit, Spotify have a job opening with has many specific requirements for the applicant, such as “at least eight years experience running a highly-regarded nation.”


Hopefully we won’t be hearing the last of beloved President Obama. As his time in office ends, Spotify have offered him the exclusive role as ‘President of Playlists.’

From his withstanding friendships with many musicians (the guest list for his 55th birthday was insane) to his personally compiled playlists, the world has always known Obama has a special spot in his heart for music – and a good ear to boot.

Over two years, he’s curated four playlists on Spotify under The White House’s official account, and even shared his favourite gym workout songs with Wired.

Recently, he invited international ambassadors to a reception at the White House, where he joked to a former Stockholm abassador “I’m still waiting for my job at Spotify…’cause I know y’all loved my playlist.”

While he was referring to his 2015 night and day Summer playlists on Spotify, the music streaming service’s CEO and Founder Daniel Ek took the light-hearted joke seriously. A day later, Ek used Twitter to contact Obama with a job offer.

The official job offer has some super sturdy prerequisites. Can you provide world-class leadership? Do you have good relationships with a wide range of artists and musicians? Ever had Kendrick Lamar play at your birthday bash? Are you someone with good team spirit, excellent work ethic, a friendly and warm attitude, and a Nobel Peace Prize?

If you are, congratulations – you must be the POTUS.

Check out the job profile here.