I’m one of those people to whom lyrics really make a difference. I’ll listen to a song once and enjoy it. Then I’ll listen to it again with the lyrics (or listening extra hard if I can’t access them) and enjoy it even more. That’s why I tend to sway away from instrumental stuff… So when I really enjoyed an instrumental track from Fait, I knew something special was happening. Slow Glow is one of those understated but magical tunes. It carries you on an extensive journey, heavy on reverb and ambience and warped sound, all without one word.
Fait is Perth gal Ellise Higgins and I am her newest fangirl, so excuse me if I am gushing. She released her first track last year, which is definitely worth a spin too – Koto is mindblowing. She is working with the amazing producer/engineer Darren Lawson (My Bloody Valentine, Editors, White Lies) to produce her debut EP, reminiscent of Explosions In The Sky, that is due any day now. You can already hear that this pairing is the stuff that dreams are made of. This is the way that ALL instrumental music should sound… so enthralling that you can’t pull yourself away from it.
Make sure you keep an ear out for Fait because she’s worth it, I promise. For her, lyrics just simply aren’t necessary.