
Following proposed budget cuts, a campaign has been launched to save community radio

It seems as though the music industry can’t catch a break lately, after it was announced that there would be funding cuts to community radio.


Show support for local music and community radio, and check out the #KeepCommunityRadio petition.

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia have launched a campaign to save $1.4 million from being cut from community radio funding. Dubbed #KeepCommunityRadio, the organisation are asking individuals to sign the petition to put pressure on the government to not move ahead with the cuts.

The petition states:

“Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten, as a supporter of community radio I’m asking you to reinstate funding to keep community radio on digital if you win government.”

“Community radio serves so many Australians; from radio reading for people with a print disability to programming in the different languages spoken across our country, to Indigenous broadcasters, faith based stations, regional stations and youth stations.”

“Please don’t leave community radio behind.”

The petition is aiming to gather support during the upcoming election, and has currently gained over 18,500 signatures. Head here to check out the petition.

Read: Why do radio stations play the same songs over?