
Gallery: The JBL Stage at Happy Mag’s 5th Birthday

On Friday November 22nd Happy Mag celebrated our 5th Birthday, inviting over 20 artists for a top-to-bottom takeover of the iconic Kings Cross Hotel. The party raged from 7pm through ’til close and to be honest, some of us are still feeling it.

Here’s what went down on the JBL Stage, the beautiful rooftop on Level 5 of the Kings Cross Hotel.

happy mag's 5th birthday kings cross hotel rooftop JBL Stage

Missed out on Happy Mag’s 5th Birthday last Friday? Check out what went down at the JBL Stage, on Kings Cross Hotel’s pristine rooftop.

The night featured live performances from the likes of The Goon SaxC.O.F.F.I.NDro CareyBrightnessBaby BeefSunscreen, and way more. Not to mention the DJs who kept the tunes spinning all over, including Lovejoy, Molach, and more.

The JBL Stage was treated to a selection of local Sydney DJs, who kept the vibes flowing from sunset to the wee hours. Sets from Pablo, Psyched As DJs, Bonza Records DJs, and DJ Goodboy were as slick as they come, and the space was packed.

Check out some of what went down below.