
Goodspace create a universe of genre-bending glory on their new self-titled EP

Goodspace create mini universes within each of their songs. The Auckland-based outfit, in an incredibly short amount of time, have developed a sound that feels simultaneously grounded and explorative; it’s rooted in funk-driven indie, but stretched into new far-reaching sonic territories. And walking around inside of their sprawling musical worlds will never not be a great time.

With the release of their new self-titled EP, the band have immediately established their penchant for crafting auditory gems that bend concepts of space and time. If you’re not already listening to this band, we strongly recommend you change that.

On their incredible new self-titled EP, Auckland-based outfit Goodspace create a sprawling universe of genre-bending brilliance.

Throughout the new EP, Goodspace—made up of vocalist/guitarist/keyboardist Jeff Chen, vocalist/bassist Lloyd Thomason, and drummer Nick Annear—glide through a hypnotic blend of indie-rock, funk, soul, and hip-hop to deliver a sound uniquely their own. With irresistibly danceable beats, rhythmic vocal hooks, and immersive instrumentation, the EP oozes with musical charm.

Across its five-track run-time, the EP pulls in myriad sonic directions—it never sits in one place for too long. This, however, is arguably its most captivating quality. One moment you’ll be floating through a hallucinatory soundscape, and the next you’ll be locked into a deeply infectious groove.

EP opener This Songs About You quickly projects the far-reaching scope of the EP. The song effortlessly stretches into unexpected places, guiding you through planes of beats and melodies. Underneath, for us, is a stand-out track; it sees the band showcase their melodic songwriting abilities, delivering a melancholic but spell-binding slice of dreamy alt-rock.

By the time the EP’s closing track Time Chasing reaches its final moments you’ll have been roped in completely by the band’s sprawling and captivating sounds.

These may still be relatively early days for Goodspace, but judging by the quality of everything we’ve heard so far, I think we can safely expect plenty more great tunes. In the meantime, do yourself a favour and listen to the new EP above.