Pro Audio

Grace Designs m501 – Your Sound’s New Best Friend!

The m501 brings out the very best of any input you throw at it

“Grace Designs” is a household name in the pro audio world. Being a family-owned company that is pushing out some of the most sonically revered gear on the market, they deserve all the acclaim they get.

You may have heard of their monitor controller series the Grace m905 and m908 or their highly regarded pre-amp range, Including their iconic m101 preamp, which is well known for its clean and transparent recordings. Since the m101’s release, Grace Design has released an 8-channel version and a 2-channel version.

The Grace m501, is another very faithful replication of the m101 in 500 series format, taking what was already a portable and high-quality preamp to the next level. With the ability to seamlessly integrate it into current (or future) 500 series setups, it has made a lot of waves in the recording world.

Now, don’t be fooled by the sleek design, this unit has a breadth of features covering all your needs. A balanced, transformerless design boasts 75db of gain, 48v phantom power, a 75Hz HPF and a ¼” HI-Z Instrument input.

Grace Designs has also included their exclusive ribbon mic mode, which raises the mic input impedance, bypasses the input decoupling capacitors and deactivates 48V phantom to protect delicate ribbon mics from damage.

This is Grace Designs’ first foray into the 500 series realm, and I hope to see them continue down this path. Their craftsmanship and ingenuity are so easily findable in every product they set their hand to.

Do yourself a favour and head to your music store of choice to pick up one of these units. The m501 brings out the very best of any input you throw at it, giving you nothing but confidence in your input chain.

Head over to the Grace Designs Website to learn more.