
Heading to Mountain Sounds? Get proper psyched courtesy of Hockey Dad’s killer festival playlist

You’ve got to trust a band like Hockey Dad when it comes to taste in music. Just take a look at them, they’re trustworthy dudes, not a bad bone in them. There is zero pretentiousness about the scrappy duo, and you can hear it in their own music. It’s just fucking good, honest rock music. When we took a look at the Mountain Sounds line up for a band to make a festival playlist for us, we knew they were our guys. And they didn’t disappoint.

hockey dad mountain sounds playlist

Before we head up to Mountain Sounds we asked top blokes Hockey Dad to make us the perfect festival playlist from acts off the lineup. Of course, they didn’t disappoint.

Skegss – Fun

They’re paying us to say they’re good, so yeah, they’re alright.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3484522235 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

Albert Hammond Jr – In Transit

Hell keen to see him, bloody ripper of a riff you’ve got there Albert.

The Moving Stills – Who Are You

Bullshit good song from a bunch of legends.

Violent Soho – Tinderbox

Yeah, not bad.

Alpine – Foolish

Just a bulletproof pop song really, Alpine seem to never disappoint.

The Lazys – Black Rebel

Yeah, love a bit of dad rock… stumbled upon this when we were hell grommies watching this surf movie that came for free with some surf mag.

Cut Snake – Jungle Shrimp

We just want a Mad Hueys shirt hey, hook us up would ya fellas.