Horizon Forbidden West continues the idea of nature reclaiming the planet and Sony are supporting this with new tree planting initiative.
To celebrate the release of Horizon Forbidden West, Sony has announced the ‘Play to Plant’ initiative that aims to help nature reclaim the world a little bit.
The concept is simple. For every player that unlocks the ‘Reach the Daunt’ in-game trophy, Song pledges to plant a tree to help with initiatives currently taking place in America.
Sony have partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to help plant trees across three deforestation programs in Douglas County Forest in Wisconsin, Sheep Fire Private Lands in California, and Torreya State Park in Florida.
Each program as a unique goal to accomplish for the location in which they’re targeting. For Douglas County Forest, deforestation has destroyed the natural watershed ability of the land which directs the flow of water into different river systems.
For Sheep Fire Private Lands, Grey Wolf numbers have seen a recent increase after almost being hunted to extinction and the program hopes the accelerate growth by re-establishing their missing habitat.
Finally, Torreya State Park, since deforestation has occurred, has become more of a fire risk as the area becomes more exposed to hotter and drier months. Plant trees in the area will aim to make the surroundings less prone to such changes.
The initiative ends March 25th or when they hit the 288,000 tree’s planted mark; which is the total goal of all three deforestation projects.