
Interview with Iceage

Happy had a candid chat with Dan from Iceage, all the way in Copenhagen. His thick English accent and laidback attitude made for a great conversation about influences and side projects.


This bloody and dark watercolour illustration is by Hamburg based freelance illustrator, storyboard-artist and designer, Inna Heller. Check out more of her fantastic work here

We first introduced you to punk rock band Iceage mid last year. Forming in 2008, the Danish punk rock band have since released their debut album, New Brigade (2011), and their second album, You’re Nothing (2013). Their latest album, Plowing through the Field of Love is a lamenting exposé of gripping emotional prowess. While tinged with Country and Western influences, the sound is distinctly lethargic and European, creating something utterly unique and compelling to listen to. Their vocalist purveys a constant sense of agony that sits disarmed across a cathartic array of instrumental composition. It really is interesting and quite worth your time to listen to, especially since Iceage will be making their Australian debut at the tail end of January! Here’s what Dan had to say when we spoke not long ago.

HAPPY: How is the weather over in Copenhagen?

DAN:  It’s shit. It’s raining and it’s quite cold.

HAPPY:  Oh no. That sounds horrible! What have been some proud moments for the band recently?

DAN: Some proud moments? I don’t know man we’ve played some shows that have been really great that have been well attended and the atmosphere has been great and I feel like a king or something and that makes you feel quite proud. I don’t know about a distinct proud moment though.

HAPPY: I don’t think there’s much more to be proud of than an awesome show!

DAN: I was also very proud of releasing the record we released.

HAPPY: Awesome! Are you excited for the upcoming Australian tour?

DAN: Yeah it’s going by China and Thailand I’m very excited for that as well.

HAPPY: That will be fantastic. Asia is an amazing continent!

DAN: Yeah I am very excited to go.

HAPPY: What kind of music have you been listening to recently and how does that influence Iceage?

DAN: I don’t know what has been influencing Iceage recently as it’s been a while since we have done something. I don’t know… recently I have been listening to Otis Redding and Swans which I think are my most recent obsessions.

HAPPY: Interesting. Where is your favourite place to play a show in Europe?

DAN: It’s hard to say, I mean it’s a different experience playing Copenhagen when everyone we know are here and have seen us a lot of times. That’s a very special feeling but I like playing places like Paris and London and Berlin; big metropolitan cities. Eastern Europe as well.

HAPPY:  Cool! Who is your favourite drummer?

DAN: My favourite drummer?! Oh I don’t know… I’m not that big on technical drumming and drumming idols and stuff like that.

HAPPY: Okay. What kind of stuff do you practice when behind the kit at home?

DAN:  I don’t have a kit at home! I only practice with the band.

HAPPY: Are you involved in any other projects or are you jamming with any other musicians at this point in time?

DAN:  Me and the bass player of Iceage have another band called SEJR, and we do some different stuff together.

HAPPY: How come Iceage will not be making an appearance in Adelaide? That’s my town!

DAN: I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t book the tour so I don’t know.

HAPPY: Why should Australian audiences be interested in your music?

DAN: They should come if they are interested and if not I would have to say we are a great band and it’s nice watching us.

HAPPY: Finally, what makes you Happy?

DAN: What makes me happy?


*The sound of deliberation is audible for a while*

DAN: That is a very hard question. Excitement and satisfaction and feeling good about myself I guess.

HAPPY: Awesome! It’s been great talking to you today and we look forward to seeing you on the Australian tour!

Plowing through the Field of Love Australian tour dates below!

Wednesday January 21st – Oxford Art Factory, Sydney

w/ Dead Farmers and M.O.B.

Thursday January 22nd – Alhambra Lounge, Brisbane

w/ Thee Hugs, Clever and Unpeople

Friday January 23rd – Ding Dong Lounge, Melbourne

w/ The Uv Race

Saturday January 24th – Sugar Mountain Festival