
Introducing Baro

It’s a real exciting time for the Aussie rap and hip-hop scene. We’ve ditched the white dude wearing a wife beater with a thick bogan accent, in exchange for a divergent mix of styles and sounds. Baro is one of those dudes, I like to think that are ushering this new age.


The slick hip- hop stylings of Baro will give you another reason to love Aussie Hip Hop.

Although a young 17 year old for Melbourne, Baro seems to have a grasp on his sound and you can tell he knows his shit when it comes to music. I like to describe his music as a 90s throw back chilled out sexy-time hip hop, but I’m sure you can come up with something better.

Baro was recently picked up by New World Artists, which I’m sure he’s super stoked about because he gets to join the ranks of other great acts such as Jackie Onassis, Allday and Illy. I’m thinking that Baro’s music helps the scene a lot by making it more accessible to new audiences. The master slow-jammer should be very chuffed about his work of lately.

He’s done a few gigs and supported the likes of Allday, Taku and Citizen Kay. He’s already got a mixtape out called HOWOODISGOOD? Check it out; you can even get it for free – in his words “if you broke BOY” (this guys gets me). I’m digging such song like I had a dream about u ast night, which has a great flow to it, an inviting swell and just a relaxed slow jam you can put on the background, especially during “business” time, if you know what I mean.

Seasons is another great one, more up-tempo, sexy bass and some laid back flow. Other tracks such as Cinema and Cigarettes have also made some impression with Triple J – not to mention his rise on the hip-hop Unearthed charts. Check it yo.