
Lost Casual offers beauty, lust and serenity with his new single Translation

Lost Casual immerses himself in a feeling, and then extends a hand to those who wish to join him in his longing. 

Describing his music as a fusion of pop with the freedom and expression of jazz, Lost Casual nails the late night driving soundtrack with Translation, a song full of equal parts ennui and intimacy. 

Slotting in comfortably beside pop contemporaries like Ryan Beatty and Troye Sivan, Lost Casual nails the production and execution of a somber dance track, one that highlights his vocal ingenuity and ability to craft a piece of music that is always, without fail, in demand.

lost casual

Something to score the lonely drive home, the night with an ex, or the early hours of regret.

Applicable to a variety of intimate situations and instantly recognisable as a song of quality and enticement, Translation is robust in its comparability.

Holding its own in a sea of would-be imitators, Translation stands out and draws one in, making it near impossible not to give oneself over to the smooth, sultry production and the charming, velvety tone of Lost Casual himself. 

Short and deliciously sweet, Translation is layered in subtle production that reveals itself bit by bit during each listen.

Always something new to discover, something new to become a favorite moment and a new emotion to rise gently to the surface, Translation has both growing and staying power, a necessary combination for an immensely oversaturated industry and genre.

Lost Casual is memorable in his familiarity, someone you want to have as the soundtrack to your heartache and the intimate moments you know you shouldn’t be longing for.

While keeping his lyricism both specific and vague enough that almost anyone would be able to imprint their most recent tangle with losing a lover, Lost Casual keeps the focus on himself while leaving plenty of room for listeners to make it all about themselves – in what some might say is the key to all lasting art. 

There is nothing about Translation that is lost, nor is there anything else that needs to be said.

Lost Casual immerses himself in a feeling, and then extends a hand to those who wish to join him in his longing. 

Listen to Translation below. 

Review By Caitlin Norris