
Melbourne rapper Farai Katiyo delivers compelling urban grooves on debut EP

Born in Zimbabwe, raised in New Zealand, and currently based in Melbourne, Farai Katiyo is as genre-defying as you’d expect him to be. Titled Yesterday, Today & Forever God is Good 1 the first half of his debut EP, a thoughtful collection of 4 tracks touching on some raw topics.

Thought-provoking and meditative, Farai Katiyo tackles themes of racism, domestic violence and redemption on his debut EP Yesterday, Today & Forever God is Good 1.

When Googling rapper Farai Katiyo, one is not short of material. With a Youtube channel and a strong social presence, it becomes easy to judge his character. That is, Farai Katiyo is hellbent on spreading connective-ness, self-love and transformational leadership. And his music becomes yet another avenue for this positivity.

A relentless, up-beat backing catapults the EP forward from the first metre. Shoes Off is a feel-good hip hop revival that speaks of the simplicity of domestic life. Inclusive as always, this one also features rapper Max Shotta and singer TriceTa, who’s feminine silky licks brings a warmth and sensuality.

Talking about Shoes Off, Katiyo invites, “Forget about the stress at work, forget about the bill and just be in your own space.”

Katiyo offers ephemeral transparency in his Behind the Music Youtube series below:

A smooth urban groove is explored further on By Your Side via a thread of testimonial poeticism and moody, lamenting piano moments. Katiyo nails seamless layering in the production and flow that’s typically hard to balance in a classic rap. The close to six-minute song finds both rhythm and rhyme. Track number three, Glory is a war cry juncture that’s heart-felt and targets a more commercial listenability.

“This song goes out to every broken soul like me, looking for a purpose.”

Final song Oceans ties together the EP with bright effects and jungly reggae tones. Never skipping a beat to inspire and speak opening, Yesterday, Today & Forever God is Good 1 transcends typical rap genre.

Throw an ear to Farai Katiyo below. Part 2 of the EP is due of February 14th.