Mike Tyson’s weed brand has launched ear-shaped cannabis gummies, almost 25 years after he famously bit his boxing opponent’s ear.
Tyson 2.0, the marijuana company founded by Mike Tyson, are have launched “Mike Bites”, combining the boxer’s two favourite things: weed and biting people’s ears.
The 28th of June will mark the 25th Anniversary of Tyson’s fight against Evander Holyfield where he famously took a chunk out of his opponents ear using nothing but his teeth.

Tyson was, of course, kicked out of the World Boxing Association Heavyweight Championship for what is now known as ‘The Bite Fight’ but it’s good to see he can laugh at it now.
Tyson 2.0 launched their new product via Twitter yesterday, with Tyson also tweeting on his personal account: “These ears actually taste good!”.
Holy ears! They’re finally here! Go get your Mike Bites now 👂😤 pic.twitter.com/BCbXcdYcra
— TYSON 2.0 (@itstyson20) March 15, 2022
Holyfield seems to have left the incident in the past, appearing as a guest on the podcast “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson,” and confirming that he had forgiven Tyson for biting him.
It was on that same podcast that Tyson pitched his new business venture. “You might be in business because we’re going to make some holy ears,” Tyson said. “Edible ears that got a bit taken out of them. Holy ears.”
We reckon Uuruagian footballer Luis Suarez should get in on the ear-candy action, who famously bit opponents on three different occasions between 2010 and 2014. But Suarez was only banned for a total of 17 matches for all three incidents.
The gummy ears will be sold at licensed retailers in California, Massachusetts and Nevada.