
PREMIERE: Benjamin Bones’ debut single, ‘Part Time Gymnast’

Artist, Benjamin Bones, releases experimental-indie single Part Time Gymnast, ahead of his debut album release, Good Grief.

Capturing the beauty of everyday life, multi-instrumentalist, producer and engineer, Benjamin Bones, hits the ground running with his debut single, Part Time Gymnast

After a decade’s experience in the music industry running his own studio, Bones takes off on the rocket of an experimental indie sound.

Benjamin Bones

Part Time Gymnast, seeps in like the tide, completely natural and swirling around the ankles with its dreamy sounds. The track echoes with the kind of tune that easily latches into the mind, oozing in sonic bliss and glistening lyrics.

Bones is no stranger to DIY-sound, recording and producing music for his bands; Old New York, Suicide Swans, Man Moot and Deserts.

The artist has also produced over 20 records for Aussie artists through his studio, By The Living Grace. This experience and thumping passion for music runs seamlessly through the veins of Part Time Gymnast. 

The single is layered with a sharp drum beat, melting in an electric guitar riff and Bones’ raw harmonies singing; “stop stop stop waitin’ for something more/talk talk talkin’ about how you’re so bored”. 

The debut single is accompanied with equally infatuating visuals. Directed and shot by Misako Goto, Mina Mullins and Uzuki Oofuku, capturing the everyday intricacies that we glaze over, not appreciating the beauty of an umbrella twirl or feet in the swimming pool.

Part Time Gymnast comes as a glimpse into the electric sound of Bones’ upcoming album Good Grief. 

The album as described by the musician is to be; “an exploration into stories from the past, reflection on isolation and loss… celebrating all things slightly tarnished, unfinished and unkempt”.

In shining a torch on the golden flecks of rawness and sincerity, Benjamin Bones is set to become an artist that will challenge the way we see the world – something we might need now more than ever.

Check out Bones’ debut single below: