
PREMIERE: Get lost in the fever dream of Effigy from Pink Harvest

There’s a Ryan Gosling movie called Lars and the Real Girl about a shy, mentally unstable fellow who falls in love with a sex doll. An outlandish concept for a film some may say, but for what it’s worth it’s a cute film. Yet it’s certainly not the only time we can witness the relationship between a man and an inanimate object (best not Google that), with Pink Harvest‘s new clip for Effigy.

Pink Harvest premiere

Get your spooky groove on with Effigy from Pink Harvest. The Melbourne trio embrace the DIY nature of it all to make a hilarious and feverish debut clip.

As with so many videos Effigy was self-produced by the band, sacrificing big production for a unique concept and completely embracing the DIY nature of it all. The film clip was inspired by the bands experiences at Burning Man last year and was directed by Harley Hefford, a close friend and neighbour to the band.

Speaking about working with Harley on the video Reahan from the band said “(He) went to Burning Man with us a few years ago. He came up to us one day wanting to dip his hands in some film making, which I think excited us all. He has some whacky ideas and never operates without a sense of humour or wonderment“.

The kind of fun generated between four mates easily shows through the video for Effigy. It’s definitely whacky, even a little dark at times which fits with the band’s mantra of being a ‘spooky groove’ outfit. “I guess the video was inspired mainly by some lyrics and the generally nonsensical nature of the song. Something fun, a bit crazy and of course with a small budget” Reahan says.

The clip opens with a close up of the titular effigy having it’s eyes and mouth maniacally sown onto it’s head, before engaging in a montage of dancing and watching movies in a derelict warehouse.

It’s a little reminiscent of Frankenstein’s monster bride, the way her creator looks at the effigy in awe and wonder before its eventual demise (what’s the point of an effigy if it doesn’t get torched?). The performance segment of the clip, taking place in a dark room with the effigy floating around the band, is a little trippy and feels as if we’ve dived head first into some mind altering substances.

It’s a little poetic. The idea that something which is made only to be destroyed becomes the central character in an attempted romance is a little tragic when you think about it. Of course the band embrace the silliness of it all, the frequent cuts and close ups playing up the melodrama but lending itself to comedy.

It’s their first music video but the band and Harley have managed to pull off a fun video on the fly with a memorable concept. Effigy will feature on Pink Harvest’s debut EP Big Fancy Modern Architecture which will be out later in the year. Keep an eye on the band’s socials for all the latest touring details! BYO effigies.