
ScoMo dumps vaccine targets after failed rollout and blood clot concerns

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has deserted the idea of setting objectives for the nation’s vaccine rollout, stating not all Aussies will receive their first dose in 2021.

Yesterday, ScoMo revealed in a Facebook post that the Australian government has “not set, nor has any plans to set any new targets for completing first doses,” for COVID vaccines.

He said although Parliament planned to see doses completed before the end of 2021, it just isn’t possible to set such high standards “given the many uncertainties involved“, emphasising COVID-safety as Australia’s best strategy.

COVID Vaccine
Image: Unsplash

The government previously promised 4 million Aussies would be vaccinated by the end of March – a target that has been missed by roughly 3.4 million people.

The Morrison government recently announced the locally-produced AstraZeneca vaccine “was no longer preferred for people aged under 50” because of a rare blood clotting risk linked to that specific form of vaccine. The preferred vaccine for Aussies is now officially Pfizer.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported over the weekend that the Australian Medical Association president, Omar Khorshid is now urging Australians to consult with their GPs about whether or not to have the “very safe and effective” AstraZeneca vaccine, despite concerns of litigation risks.

“Please be assured that all registered doctors are fully covered – your GP is more concerned with your health,” Dr Khorshid said.

As per usual, Twitter users have shared their say on the current situation:

Kevin Rudd hasn’t stayed quiet either…