In the midst of a 150+ hour Twitch stream, we spoke to Seth Sentry about video games, his lockdown album Super Cool Tree House, and living even more of his life on camera.
The pandemic has spurred many artists beyond Seth Sentry to kick off their own Twitch channels, but few can say they’ve gone as hard as he has. His hometown of Melbourne has been subject to the most frequent and harshest lockdowns in all of Australia, and Sentry has taken the time to really, really get to know himself.
As he was in hour 158 of a sub-a-thon last week – a newish Twitch fad where every subscription adds to an ever-increasing timer determining how long left is on your stream – Happy Mag checked into Seth’s channel for an on-air interview. And you know, to let him hear the sound of somebody else’s voice.
Seth’s “Super Cool Lockdown Stream” is a fully-opened window into his life. If you tune in you can join him set-for-set on workouts, enjoy small cooking lessons, talk music, watch him play video games, or be privy to anything else he wants. It’s a far cry from the Seth Sentry you’d see on stage – the fourth wall is firmly broken, for better or worse.
“We’re all just hanging out – especially because it’s lockdown – we’re all hanging out in the lounge room, in one big room together.”
Sentry is one of Australia’s favourite rappers, getting only cleverer with each new project. His latest, Super Cool Tree House, was kind of an accident. During his Twitch streams in 2020’s major lockdowns, Sentry’s fans would send him beats. If he liked them, he’d rap over them, and he started releasing these unofficial songs once per week.
Give it a year and those tunes have been refined in the studio, new vocal takes have been recorded where needed, and Super Cool Tree House is formally hitting the airwaves on Friday June 18th through Sentry’s label, Island Records.
It’s a stunning record and a clinically accurate representation of the average mind in lockdown. Tracks hit high notes as often as they stumble deep into the recesses of self-doubt, social deprivation, and various other breeds of mental turmoil. But Sentry finds his rays of sunshine, from his sobriety to his favourite video games. For something that was never even meant to be an album, it’s pretty damn sweet.
“It came out good man, I’m really happy. It’s been fucking sick.”
Super Cool Tree House is out June 18th via Island Records. Pre-order or pre-save the record here.