
Single Premiere: Skyways are Highways – Holiday

Skyways are Highways are a three piece turned four piece off the sunny shores of Byron Bay, and the dudes have very kindly shot us the latest single off their upcoming I Found My Fear EP due out in August. It’s self-described as Pineapple Pop – spiky, sweet and 100% delicious, but nobody outside of Australia seems to be putting it on their pizzas.

skyways are highways

Take a sneaky sweet peek at Byron Bay’s Skyways are Highways’ newest single Holiday. It’s pop as fuck.

When the first few bars of Holiday came on my speakers, I thought immediately that every indie band that wants a premiere from north of Coffs Harbour sound exactly the same. Then the rest of the song happened, and my grumpy music critic face was turned upside down to reveal a slightly less grumpy music appreciator face. I even found myself humming the chorus to this one in the shower – perhaps the ultimate litmus test of a pop band being worth their chops. Top of the chops. That should be a show.

The more of Holiday that you listen to, the more the pineapple analogy becomes more apparent. Indeed, this isn’t crunchy candy-apple pop of dudes like Velociraptor, nor the mushy bottom-of-the-school-backpack banana pop of The Creases, Holiday actually screams the vibrant yellowness and occasional spikiness of pineapple. It’s not fresh pineapple though, it’s more like the Golden Circle canned pineapple – almost overly sweet, stewed in it’s own juicy Byron Bay carefreedom and a whole lot less painful to bite into. Unless you don’t open the can first.

I Found My Fear is due for official release on the 22nd of August, with the single being available as of right now. Check it out below, then go order a large Hawaiian from your local not-pizza hut. Pizza hut is a bit gross.