The debut single from Melbourne punk pop two-piece Soft Taco is a nostalgic reflection on taking life as it comes and rolling with the punches.
Drama Panorama comes off the back of two solid solo EP’s and highlight the duo’s dedication to their craft.
Soft Taco have mixed up a healthy dose of surf guitar, chugging punk and sticky melodies to craft a bubble of nostalgia in Drama Panorama that you simply won’t want to pop.
The Melbourne duo known as Soft Taco live up to the name, which is surprising to say the least. ‘How can music sound like a soft taco?’ you might ask. I’ll tell you how. There’s enough spice and intrigue here to keep things interesting. With a simply delectable mash up of surf rock, punk-pop and longing lyricism, Drama Panorama, leaves a sweet taste on the tongue. Furthermore, the woozy melody and forlorn lyrics cast an instant spell of blissful nostalgia about the listener, leaving a soft and supple memory which can only be likened to the sonic equivalent of taco perfection.
Originally conceived as a solo project by Nick Angeli yielding two solo EP’s, Soft Taco has evolved into fiery bundle of energy playing a slew of venues across Melbourne and making a name for themselves amongst the local pub circuits. Taking cues from the likes of Neil Young, Soft Taco reveal a natural tenderness to their lyrics and songwriting before dosing it up with a hit of surf guitar, punk-rock and noise jams.
Always fans of the DIY approach, the duo are currently working on their debut album of which Drama Panorama is the first single. The single hints at the unique flavours that will be offered on their forthcoming album and I can safely say I’m eagerly awaiting their next move.
Soft Taco will be launching the single at the Bombay Rock on the 5 October. Event info here.