
Spoon – Do You

Spoon have been around for as long as I have, have had their music in the Billboard Charts and currently have a Facebook following of more than 300,000, and yet somehow I had no idea who they were until last week.

spoon new album

Do You is the second track off Spoon‘s upcoming album, and it’s a little rom-commy.

Their latest single, Do You, is the second track off their new album, They Want My Soul – the first being Rent I Pay (below). It’s safe to say I’ve already listened to it a million times, wondering why I’ve been deprived of them for so long. Do You is one of those tracks that I desperately want to share with everyone purely for the selfish reason that I think it’ll look really good on me and make me seem a lot cooler than I actually am.

There’s a prominent piano melody which, when paired with the simple drum beat and rhythm guitar, makes it really difficult to not tap your foot (unless you’re a head bobber). It’s upbeat and catchy, and also exceptionally frustrating because on the one hand, I put it on and feel like I should be in Bondi wearing an oversized jumper as I skate to an organic café for my daily green smoothie, but then I get up and dance to it and suddenly I’m a dorky, white Dad teaching his son how to get the ladies with the lawnmower.

It’s one of those songs that are always played during the credits of a rom-com. You know the kind of songs I’m talking about. They’re the ones that they use intentionally to make you feel like you had a great film experience when really you just held back your tears the entire time because deep down you know you’ll never date Ryan Gosling.

Spoon’s They Want My Soul will available in full from the 1st of August via Loma Vista.