
Stevie Nicks pens emotional tribute to “hero” Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Stevie Nicks pens an emotional and heartwarming tribute to Supreme Court Justice and feminist icon, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, following her passing.

Amongst the many that are mourning the heartbreaking passing of Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is none other than rock and roll icon, Stevie Nicks.

She took to twitter to address the passing of her “hero” on September 18th, after Ginsburg lost her battle with complications from pancreatic cancer. “She fought for me and all women,” Nicks described.

ruth bader ginsburg, feminism, equality stevie nicks, rock and roll, tribute

In an emotional and eloquently written tribute, Nicks expressed that she felt the same gut-wrenching sadness that she did when her own mother passed. “My tears have not stopped since a friend tip toed into my room and said, “Stevie, Ruth died” (No need for a last name…)”. 

She wrote that she wanted to express an immense amount of gratitude for the incredible strides Ruth Bader Ginsburg made for women, and the dedication she put into committing her entire career into eliminating gender-based stereotyping in legislation and regulations: “I wanted to meet her. I wanted to hold her hand and give her a huge hug and thank her for all she had done for women, and for all she would continue to do.”

To honour her passing, Nicks wrote, “If I lived in Washington D.C., I would be standing on the steps of the Supreme Court with as many long-stemmed red roses as I could hold~ and a candle. I will light that white candle here, at my house, right now~ and I will go find the most beautiful rose in my backyard~”

She continued to express her regret in not making the effort to meet her, reminding us all that our loved ones and heroes don’t exist forever, so it is important to cherish them whilst we can: “It is my great regret that I did not make to go and try to meet her. As with all legends, you think they will live forever, so you will get there in time. I did not get to meet her. I did not get to stand in her grace. What a loss…”

Reflecting on her own accomplishments and the gender-based prejudices she has had to overcome herself, she wrote, “As a two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, the first female to be inducted twice, compared to 22 men having been inducted twice, I Stevie Nicks, induct Ruth Bade Ginsburg into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame of Life.”


Ending her passionate and heartfelt tribute, Nicks wrote, “She was our girl – our champion – our finest example – she was Ruth…”

You can read Nicks’ tribute in its entirety below.