The Journey ooze out a kind of music that’s impossible to pin down. The duo have crafted a sound that exists on a plane of its own—it’s unbounded by space and time, floating freely between genres and musical themes. The result is a truly atmospheric pool of noise that floats around your body, transporting you into transcendental sonic spaces.
With the release of their new single Chasing (feat. Stace Cadet), the Melbourne outfit continue to establish their far-reaching musical vision. If you’re not already listening to this act, now is the perfect time for you to change that.
On their new single Chasing (feat. Stace Cadet), Melbourne duo The Journey craft a sprawling and immersive slice of electronic brilliance.
Throughout the new single, The Journey—made up of Tom Evans and Jacob Malmo—glide through a concoction of techno and progressive house to deliver something uniquely their own. With flawless, glassy production and memorable vocal melodies, Chasing is guaranteed to stick with you long after it reaches its conclusion.
Across its sprawling seven-minute run-time, the track builds into something truly spellbinding. The duo navigate myriad sonic territories, never sitting in one place for too long. Venturing through this song is like embarking on an epic journey (no pun intended), and by its end, you’ll be left completely transfixed.
Chasing is the latest in a string of consistently great releases from The Journey, and judging by the quality of everything we’ve heard so far, I think we can safely expect plenty more great tunes. In the meantime, do yourself a favour and listen to the new track above.