
The Walking Who – With Roses

If you’re looking for something deliciously indie to sate your afternoon palette then you really can’t go past Australian 3-piece, The Walking Who. The band have a bit of making indie-pop melodies with a chilled out 70’s undertone. Their newest sounds are in fact quite transatlantic – you probably wouldn’t have guessed at first that they lived just down the road from your mums house. The band themselves are like a slightly more upbeat Alt J or a more chilled out Palma Violets.

the walking who

No, that’s not a typo above – this track from The Walking Who actually sounds a lot like Alt-J. Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that either hey.

They are back with a new single called With Roses and (true to form) it’s smoothly indie and pleasantly playful. The vocals are distinctively harmonious and lightly more uptempo than their other tracks. The Walking Who just keep pumping out those beautiful roadtrip or pub tracks and With Roses is absolutely no exception to the rule.

With Roses has a reverberating bass sound and upbeat harmonies that acts almost like an ironic celebration. Ironic, of course, because the content is actually about being wary of those around you and not instantly trusting everyone that you meet. A beautiful contradiction like this can only be pulled off properly by true indie rock merchants (or Lily Allen).

The usual crew came together for the recording of the song, Rohin Brown, Paul Maclean and Jay Drury, along with Rudy from the Delta Riggs who provided the mixing services. The production on the track is faultless with just the right amount of rawness combined with genuine quality that you would want from an indie song. The Walking Who are yet another flawless addition to the Australian indie rock scene at the moment and With Roses provides a great taster of what’s more to expect from them in the future. We, personally, look forward to seeing how it translates live on their next tour*.



*Speak for yourself here Jemma.