We all know Tilda Swinton is an otherworldly being. Her performance in her latest film, Suspiria, (where she played both the female and male leads) was nothing short of brilliant. And it seems that everything she does is just magic in one way or another.
Case in point is a new music video that she has directed. It features her five dogs, Rosy, Dora, Louis, Dot, and Snowbear, and it’s pretty damn extraordinary.
Watch a new video that Tilda Swinton directed. It features her five dogs, Rosy, Dora, Louis, Dot, and Snowbear, and it’s pretty damn extraordinary.
The video is for a performance of a song from eighteenth-century composer Handel’s opera Flavio. It was uploaded to the YouTube channel of the singer who performs the piece, Anthony Roth Costanzo.
Directed alongside her visual artist husband, Sandro Kopp, the clip features her dogs frolicking in the Scottish countryside – in lakes, streams, on beaches, and plains. There are parts when it gets a little creepy, and some mirrored shots that make it looks as though Swinton owns something like ten dogs, but mostly it feels like a wholesome family movie.
How Swinton ended up directed the film, we have no idea. All we know is that she’s at the top of her game. Watch the video below.
[via Dazed Digital]