In what’s turning into a sinister, overblown phenomenon, dickheads in clown costumes are suiting up to cause mass fear all over the globe. Whether it’s simply a viral trend akin to planking, or a genius marketing scheme to coincide with next year’s It reboot, one thing is clear; it’s causing a spot of trouble.
The thing is, when we were children clowns were the bomb. They’d make balloons, wear huge shoes, and fall over for us. We loved it! Then adulthood comes along, and suddenly they’re terrifying.
Whether or not we like it, these creeps in circus costumes are here to stay. Arm yourself against the clown sightings with a little exposure therapy.
It’s a known form of alternative medicine to expose a patient to their phobia as a method of treatment, so what better way to overcome your fear of clowns than by taking a look at some of the creepiest ever? Fight back against the coming clownpocalypse.
Rob Zombie
In his film clip for Dragula you can see a gothed-out Rob Zombie in his natural habitat: blasting heavy metal surrounded by psychotic imagery. You’ll see a clown here and there, as well as some jesters for good measure.
The next scary clown is… Clown. Better known for bashing Slipknot’s custom industrial drums, Clown still manages to creep out fans and strangers alike. With rumours floating around that his mask has an agenda, and has even tried to kill him…there’s no wonder.
Marilyn Manson
Turns out there’s actually quite sparse clown sightings when in comes to music, but you can always count on Marilyn Manson for some straight-up fucked art direction. Watch him here, shuffling around on stilts in a turn of the century clown get-up.
The scary clown to end all scary clowns is Pennywise from Stephen King’s It. Quite possibly the catalyst for one of the world’s most common phobias, King’s character is as rough as it gets. Once you’ve seen this guy, any future creepers will be child’s play.
Oh, and stop harassing Clowns (the band)…they’re good blokes. While they may be a little crazy, they’re no psychopaths.