
xResolver: what it is, why it matters, and what you can do about it

xResolver is a database/website that has developed a reputation for all the wrong reasons. We investigate what it is and how it relates to you.

If you are researching what xResolver is, then chances are you’re already a little on edge. The online database has been the focal point of a storm involving gamers, hackers, and online safety and privacy. But fear not – take a deep breath and read on, friend, because, in this realm, knowledge about xresolver.com is power.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of what xResolver does, it’s probably worthwhile discussing why x Resolver exists. Video game culture has always had a slightly elitist/toxic energy to specific subsections, and this is where our xResolver com story begins proper.

Image: xResolver

Video games were designed first and foremost as a form of entertainment. However, as online games developed and progressed to where competition between players was possible, some individuals got carried away.

Nobody on xResolver Xbox enjoys losing, but how we respond to that feeling is essential. And this turning point is at the centre of why xResolver exists and what it’s used for, which is revenge, bullying and antisocial behaviour on the world wide web.

What does xResolver do?

xResolver is a database/website that stores publicly available information regarding gamers’ IP addresses and their relationship with Gamertags and online profiles. Note that this specific information on how to blacklist your IP on Xbox is publicly available, meaning it isn’t technically illegal to share it on a public website.

Essentially, the problem with xResolver 1.0 is that the kind of person who wants to know which IP address matches up with your particular profile (on PS4, Xbox or PC) likely doesn’t have your best intentions at heart. Your friends wouldn’t care what your IP address or xResolver blacklist link is, so who would? A hacker.

xResolver allows interested parties to access private information that ties your online identity to your physical internet connection. From this point onwards, the xReslover user can target you in various ways, including DDOS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks.

So theoretically, let’s say you beat a player badly in a competitive game of League of Legends. Said player gets angry and wants to get even. They could go to xResolver.com, type in your Gamertag/PSN ID, obtain your IP address, and then target your internet connection to make it painfully slow.

And that, to put it plainly, fucking sucks.

xresolver help
Image: xResolver

What it doesn’t do (but OctoSniff does)

However, what xResolver doesn’t do is actually obtain any of this data. Think of PS4 xResolver as a library of information rather than a tool used to gather information.

The guilty party at the centre of this issue is hackers, and more specifically, programs such as OctoSniff, which allow the hackers to scrape IP data from unsuspecting targets.

OctoSniff runs in the background of a gaming session, gathering data and decrypting it into easily interpretable information. This data can indicate which IP address belongs to a particular Gamertag or ID.

At this point, that information could be uploaded onto xResolver, allowing any interested party on xResolver for PS4 to do with it as they wish. And as we established before: it isn’t likely to be for anything charitable.

xresolver octosniff
Image: OctoSniff

What to do if you are listed on xResolver

The xResolver website allows anyone to type in a Gamertag/PSN ID and see if the website already has information relating to that account’s IP address. Currently, the homepage claims they have almost 25 million accounts ‘resolved’.

It isn’t a good thing if you are listed in the xResolver database, but it isn’t the end of the world. As stated before: just being on there doesn’t mean someone is actively trying to harm you. It just means that you played a game online with a piece-of-shit hacker; they scraped your data and then published it.

The xResolver website, and others like them, claim they will ‘blacklist’ your information if you pay for a premium service. And while one specific website might wipe this information from their database, they won’t ensure their competitors do the same.

What’s going on is they are trying to scam you out of your hard-earned cash. They don’t have the power to protect you truly, and as such, needn’t be bargained with at all.

Instead, the best course of action is to change your IP address and protect it in the future.

what is xresolver
Image: xResolver

How to change your IP address and protect yourself

Changing your IP address might be as simple as turning your router on and off, depending on your particular hardware and setup. You want to change your public IP address (not your local one), so it’s more complicated than switching it on your relevant device.

As suggested before, the easiest solution regarding xresolver.com for PS4 may be to unplug your router for a few minutes and see if it changes. You can check your IP address on the following free website. This process should give you a new IP address, but it won’t stop another hacker from putting your new information on xResolver if your data gets scraped again.

A more permanent solution would be to invest in a VPN. VPN providers not only make switching your IP address easy, but they also help keep it private from hackers and scammers alike. VPN services are affordable and can provide some extra benefits too.

We hope this little guide has helped alleviate any stress you had relating to xResolver. They aren’t a good bunch, that’s for sure, but we shouldn’t let them get in the way of our fun. Gaming is for everyone, and that’s, quite simply, the end of the discussion.