
Yumi Zouma

There is definitely an 80’s revival cyclone sweeping through the Australian and New Zealand music scene at the moment. From corporate, mullet-pop in the style of Client Liaison to the echoey, reverb-heavy punk of TV Colours, there is no doubt that the best of the 80s is being celebrated.

yumi zouma

Yumi Zouma is the cross-oceanic project of Charlie Ryder and Josh Burgess, ex Christchurch boys who now split their time between Paris and Brooklyn. Nice.

Yumi Zouma is no exception. On face value, there is a mysterious lack of background information on the band. With not much more than a fully updated Soundcloud page and an intriguing EP cover (is she someone’s high school crush circa 1988? The fluffy hair and turquoise polo shirt are too good), the tunes speak for themselves.

After a little internet digging, I discover that Yumi Zouma are Charlie Ryder and Josh Burgess, both Christchurch boys who were a part of the dance punk band Bang! Bang! Eche! in the mid 2000s. They now split their time between Paris and Brooklyn, and Yumi Zouma is the project they share via the interwebs. Just last Thursday, two years to the day after Swedish duo Air France called it quits, Yumi Zouma released their cover of the latter’s track, It Feels Good To Be Around You. Heres the added sugar: it features the real Air France reading a fan’s love letter over and over, “Dear Air France, sometimes I think the way we met happened too fast…” 
