
Hollow States – Darkness Is Laughing

Hollow States is gathering attention through a hard working performance mentality in Sydney. The group has now released their debut EP Darkness Is Laughing, and with a relatively strong first crop of tunes they are only looking up from here on out!

hollow states

The rarity of Sydney’s alternative-pop trio, Hollow States’ introspective and moody nature will consume the vulnerable in an inescapable emotional affair.

If I Have to Grow Up is the opening track from the Sydney buzz band’s new EP. The song instantly sets the band apart as an engaging and individualistic creative force, and one that utilises an interesting array of sounds to comprise their sound. Piano ambles through the pace-bearing drum beat, which is simple though effective and abounded by the words of the lead singer, Huckleberry Hastings. This piano then transforms into radiating synth sounds. It’s an interesting affair.

Why Do You Feel Like This? pours in a foundation of tonal vocal sounds underneath a simple rock drum beat, hounding the positive use of repetition to allow synth-scapes and guitar noodling to pull the song into its climactic moments. It’s a cool, arty introspective song. After shooting through the chorus a few times you may ask yourself candidly, “why do I feel like this?!”.

Axel is a wobbly ballad which tells of a complete tale of woe as guitar strings resonate, and curious organ-esque sounds permeate the song melodically. The singer has a little bit of a Brian Molko vibe going here, though not to as great effect as the Placebo front man himself.

I’ve Had Better Days sees one the best vocal performance on the EP with use of higher octaves and more personal emotions. There is a tense build up section two thirds of the way through. It poses as a snappy bridge to volley the listener back to those commanding vocal expressions that characterise the song.

Darkness Is Laughing opens with the soft notes of a lamenting piano –  it’s slower to build up, but gradually slows down your attention span to match their speed. It’s mature and bleak – the song has the ability to be soft and wavering yet conceptually realised as what it is supposed to be.

As a decidedly melancholy affair, it should be noted that Darkness Is Laughing is not powerful enough to pull you in to its  emotionally contained universe if you’re already beaming rays of sunshine as a result of pre-existing happiness. In this case you’re more likely to appreciate the music intellectually. If you’re easily swayed or perhaps already brooding, then the EP is far more capable of taking you for an emotional ride.