
Australian sex doll sales have reportedly skyrocketed during COVID-19 lockdowns

While many industries have been hit hard financially during the coronavirus pandemic, the adult toy industry has seen a boom in sex doll sales as we all look to keep ourselves from feeling lonely in isolation.

It seems some of us were hit hard with the news that we wouldn’t be able to go out to the pub or night club to meet new people, with a number of Australian sex doll manufacturers confirming a surge in sales across the country.

sex dolls, sex doll Australia sales, covid-19 isolation, coronavirus lockdown,
Reuters / Albert Gea

The Australian adult-toy industry has reported a huge boom in sex doll sales during COVID-19 lockdowns. At least someone’s winning.

Sydney adult-store owner, Ryan James told Yahoo News Australia, “We have definitely seen a jump in sales in recent months on our dolls.”

What we’ve seen in recent months is definitely an increase in our website clicks. And also inquiries, there’s been tonnes of emails to look at,” he continued.

With social situations few and far between, it seems many have been a bit frustrated with the restrictions imposed – in more ways than one. Some of these sex dolls can fetch up to $4,000, making it a lucrative business to be in at the moment with vendors such as Cherry Banana and Sex Doll Australia both seeing an increase in sales.

Matt, from online sex store Cherry Banana, told Vice News, “Since COVID, we have noticed a considerable increase in sales of our sex dolls. We’ve doubled our Cherry Doll sales since March, and no we sell four to five a week – or 20 to 25 a month.”

Meanwhile, Sex Doll Australia revealed that it wasn’t just lonely singles contributing to the uptake in sales, with partners turning to sex dolls to spice up their isolation.

Andrew from Sex Doll Australia told Vice News, “In this new trend, we’ve got a husband buying a female doll alongside his wife, for him; a husband and wife buying dolls together, one for each other; and also a general increase in women buying male dolls for themselves.”

With Victoria in stage four lockdown, and increased restrictions in NSW and Queensland, maybe its time to turn to an adult-sized ‘friend’ for a little bit of love, as we look to stop the spread of COVID-19.