

As Happy’s trusted connoisseur of three boys in a band, not to be confused with boy bands, here are Adults – and as warned on their Facebook page, not to be confused with THE ADULTS or ADULT. They are Adults. And now it sounds weird to say. The band’s pretty illusive, much like the identity of many XXX adults who don’t want their mother and father to find out their actual profession (“yes mum, the job in the call centre is going well”.) What we do know is that they are from Sydney, there are three of them and they make some pretty awesome music.

adults gronk city

Seeing as they take cues from post-punk, one of like, the best ever music genres evvvvaaaah, they are already amazing. Their music has all the hallmarks of post-punk wonderment: angsty and experimental whilst bridging the gap between classic punk and indie rock. The guys have carved themselves a solid sound so far with some really decent bass-heavy tracks and fancy guitar work fused with dishevelled vocals. With a new record out real soon through Béchamel Records, it will be good to see if we get more of the same (not a bad thing) or something else (not a bad thing either). What’s IS a good thing is the name of the new record, Gronk City, which is how it feels sometimes in this fair city of ours. The cover artwork is of some fruit and veg and seriously who doesn’t love a bit of fresh produce with their music???

Two recommendations apart from listening to Adults: watch the clip to Ominous featuring two dancing lads. Their clothing is hideous and reminds me far too much of my life as a fifteen year old but their dancing is so hypnotic I can’t look away. Their Facebook page also brings amusement, such as their ‘promo video’ for one of their previous gigs featuring that classic track from Daniel Bedingfield Gotta Get Thru This and I’m not ashamed to say I loved it.