
ALIA: Revolution For The Soul

From one soul to another this world is kinda mad… There’s no dispute in this journey for any, there’s no easy route, no matter who you are.

It is one all must hold belief in oneself, in order to aid the challenges one must face, be it the act, the risk, the leap, the hope.

The “revolution” I’m going to be writing about is broad, but geared in the direction as to what my newest release “kinda mad” is echoing, for what is connected and internal.


As an individual who is an artist/songwriter/composer/activist, the acknowledgement within pride of gaining the ability to express and connect to others, via what is my own thoughts, emotions, experiences and channel it into this outlet is one I hold honour for; I feel responsible as I know many artists do, for voicing what is internally inside or externally … as I know the meaning of being alone, losing hope, grasping fear, struggling with mental health, facing racism, homelessness, homophobia, and societies cultural/political problems within infrastructure and development, and having family connected to war. 

I say this with eyes to the stars, I know its a list but its a list I am proud of – strange place to use that word perhaps – but it comes from foreseeing the strength for the future – for voicing up on issues that a similar child that is in the shoes I once wore can realise you aren’t as alone as you may think or that you think you do not have the right to pursue the life you desire or you feel you have no right to the life you wish to hold… I know that you can, because I could… or I have witnessed others in my journey.

In this climate it’s vital for one to speak on issues. I recall growing up and not having much to relate to within the world like there is now, there were parts but almost boxes to fit into to be able to be understood. But some boxes were so murky and grey, even hidden or mislabelled that as an individual you become that. Attempting to fit in where you must, … but you don’t? I know it is hard, what a soul has to go through in this life, it’s unkind, almost inhuman. But you are not alone, your right to pursue your dreams, fulfil your desires and revolutionise your soul – it can be yours.

Artists have a voice for a reason I believe, they become a source of change or impact upon history – be it a poet, writer, actor, director, photographer or musician et cetera … throughout history, even currently, there’s less trust in our political leaders, law makers, justice system, NGO’s, journalists/ media outlets… corruption is imbedded in turmoils that outweigh possibilities for real voices to be heard and listened to … the cruelty is that these “rulers” believe the people are naive, and these systems think they have still have the right to all the wrong-doings. They do not. They are dividing people to conquer. Don’t let them…

It’s a large description, but the effects lay in a sentence. Love will always win.

I collected some of my favourite songwriters/artists for a playlist in collaboration with Happy Mag. Showcasing artists who over history show the key in bringing together a united feeling, a message. A power. A united understanding. A good track to make the world less grey and mad.

It’s more important than ever with the collapse of huge brands, corrupt countries, genocides, trafficking, slavery, dirty politicians, tarnished companies, “powerful” figures .. and the link between them all! That we stay as united as we truly are, and be true to who we are. The rise of independence, be it an artist’s duty to challenge the wrong doing, the act. The risk in the leap of faith. The belief in oneself becomes a reflection into your world. The aid of music in the artistic realm is ever changing. The future of the past struggles, on a conversational level, are changing, formats for what we are used to are evolving but like the past that has changed we must not forget and lose our souls trying to sell what we must to get our voices out there. 

This is a mad world and one we must be careful with, especially ourselves, the world and society’s difficulties we must understand and listen to, guide us into the changes that are reflecting positive change! 

I have a tattoo on my left arm, a quote from Tennyson “…We are not now that strength which in old days. Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield”. It’s time to represent unity in diversity.