
Beach Slut

First of all, this band has got me questioning: what is a ‘Beach Slut’? Simply someone who wears little clothing at the beach? But everyone wears little clothing at the beach: I mean, it’s a beach; it’s hot. Maybe the dudes in speedos, or girls in those distasteful g-string bikini bottoms are the beach sluts..?*

beach slut

On a journey home from the beach, I was lucky enough not only to be squished between people equally as sweaty as myself, but also shared this journey with a group of ten or so obnoxious 16 year olds, who of course felt it appropriate to bring out speakers; blessing everyone’s ears with incessant, pulsing chart music. Now, this would’ve been a brilliant time for a band like Beach Slut to have got on the bus and drowned out the Ke$ha. Or for me to have remembered my headphones..

Beach Slut are from Canberra. Signed to Cinnamon Records, they make surf-punk. The tracks are filled with exciting, psychedelic sounds, synths and warped, distorted lyrics. It’s energetic, it’s got attitude. ‘Teen Dream’ is the single from Beach Slut’s 6 Track EP ‘Teen Idle’ (which is available for purchase from the band’s Bandcamp, as is their previous album, ‘Lucidity’).

*We would like to acknowledge that Happy believes that the way one dresses does not indicate to any accurate degree how promiscuous an individual may or may not be – Ed.

ADDENDUM: Beach Slut are no more. We cannot say whether or not Beach Slut will return as Beach Slut in the near or distant future, though you can check out Sweet Shoppe, featuring members of the now defunct Beach Slut. Oh, and just because I want to say it one more time: Beach Slut.