Germany has revealed that contestants on their Big Brother series still don’t know about coronavirus and the havoc it’s wreaking across their own country.
Currently, Germany has seen 9,200 cases and 24 deaths, and the contestants on the game show have no idea it’s even around them. Apparently disregarding any kind of ethical questions, there is currently a plan to announce the news on live tv, capturing the contestants’ live reactions.
Ignorance has been bliss for contestants in the Big Brother houses across the globe, however, their party is about to be crashed with news of the virus.
The isolated game show has ironically been advantageous for the contestants since their innocuous day to day living has kept them safe and out of coronavirus’s path of illness. Germany isn’t the only country currently to have contestants on the famous show either. Big Brother Brazil and Canada also have people in the communal house yet to be warned of the pandemic.
The occupants of the Canadian house realised during one of their tapings that they couldn’t hear the live audience which is usually on the other side of walls. “It was all empty seats. We normally would hear them sitting down because the first eviction we heard people going ‘woo!’” said a member of the house.
The virus is currently hitting the entertainment industry particularly hard. Everything from movie theatres and live audience shows to film productions and cinema releases are being cancelled or postponed in the hopes that people won’t gather in groups.
The world around us is making unprecedented moves to ensure public safety, cancelling historic events and postponing some of the biggest festivals on the planet. Everyday life everywhere is being impacted, except, apparently, inside the Big Brother house. We’ll let you know when that changes.
In Canada, a new season of Big Brother started 2 weeks ago. The contestants have no clue about the severity of the Coronavirus pandemic. When someone is voted out of the show, they come out to a studio with no audience.
Contestants talk about it then production shuts them down.
— C.J. Prince (@cj_prin) March 15, 2020