Bring together 3000 music loving folk ready for a good time, (mostly) sunshine, a sand pit, a campsite and the allowance of BYO and you’ve got one of Australia’s best events: Festival Of The Sun.
In 2018 the Port Macquarie festival celebrated 15 years of running what is. for most attendees, their favourite event of the year.

If you’re yet to experience FOTSUN, start convincing your mates to go next year because it’s always a good time.
Always finding the right mix of talent, the FOTSUN lineup this year included Vera Blue, Pond, Skegss, Tkay Maidza, Remi, Angie McMahon, and so many more. Vera Blue was incredibly grateful to be performing her first festival headline slot, just as the local bands were appreciative of the opportunity to be involved.
The crowd radiated energy and positivity over the duration of the festival, staying busy refuelling with food and drinks when they weren’t busy piling on top of each other in circle pits.
Despite some walking away with bloodied faces, it was the friendliest pit I’ve seen. Everyone helped you get back up seconds after tackling you to the ground, smiles plastered on everyone’s faces – even the bruised ones.
The weekend of music at Port Macquarie’s Breakwall Tourist Park also included a silent comedy show, market stalls, art installations and health initiatives such as Down to Test, Headspace and Pash.
FOTSUN director Simon Luke explained this year’s plastic-free efforts would plant the seed of sustainability, although it has proven it will take a lot of nurturing before the seed grows. While single-use plastics were banned, this wasn’t really enforced or monitored. We’re excited to see this festival walking the path regardless, and look forward to what they can do next year.
Something that was a success for sustainability was their system for cans and cardboard. The festival launched their E-Can-omy, which meant you could use cans to buy items from merch to food.
Festival of the Sun last year collected over 5,000 cans to recycle and 4000L of cardboard, this year recycled over 20,000 cans and 12 cubic metres of cardboard.
If you’re yet to experience FOTSUN, start convincing your mates to go next year because it’s always a good time (how can it not be when it’s BYO)!