
District Attorney gives final verdict on Mike Tyson assault

The San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office have decided they will not file any criminal charges against Mike Tyson for the infamous plane assault.

Last month, a man in the United States did the one thing pretty much everyone should know not to do. Piss off Mike Tyson. As a result, he copped several jabs to the head, and was left with a bit of blood on the noggin.

This morning, The District Attorney’s Office decided to drop the case, and will not press any charges based on “the circumstances surrounding the confrontation.”

Mike Tyson plane
Credit: TMZ/Backgrid

“These include the conduct of the victim leading up to the incident, the interaction between Mr. Tyson and the victim, as well as the requests of both the victim and Mr. Tyson that no charges be filed in this case.”

According to Police, the other passenger involved in the altercation, Melvin Townsend III, was not very cooperative and didn’t provide many details to authorities.

Townsend was reportedly seeking legal assistance following the incident, with his lawyers claiming that “Mr. Tyson should have exercised greater restraint before using his hands on an overly excited fan.”

On the flip side, Tyson’s representatives allege that the overexcited passenger was waving his hands in the boxers face for quite some time, before throwing a water bottle at him, which spurred the assault.

Townsend should just be happy he left with both ears intact.