A court has ruled that Novak Djokovic will be allowed to stay in Australia until the court case resumes on Monday.
The top tennis player in the world has been told he cannot stay in Australia to compete in the Australian Open after failing to produce an adequate medical exemption from vaccination and thus having his Visa cancelled.
It’s to nobodies surprise that Djokovic’s competitors are stoked about the situation. Rafael Nadal has come out saying “rules are rules”.

Who wouldn’t say that if they knew they’d have a much better shot at winning the tournament without the Serbian superstar’s presence.
The former world no.1 tennis player Nadal has been a big fan of tennis players getting the jab and said: “If you don’t want to get the vaccine, you’re going to have some troubles”.
“I think if he wanted, he would be playing here in Australia [at the Australian Open] without a problem,”
The tennis heavyweight and current titleholder, Djokovic was due to play the Australian Open on January 17 but as we’ve all heard, his medical exemption from receiving the COVID van was deemed inadequate and the government are trying to kick him out of the country.
Djokovic was represented by top barrister Nick Wood SC at an online hearing held in the Federal Circuit and Family Court on Thursday.
After the hearings were adjourned twice on Thursday afternoon, it continued into the night.
“The minister does not oppose the granting of an interim injunction that would prevent the applicant from leaving Australia today,” government lawyer Christopher Tran told the court.
“It would not be fair on anyone that a decision be made today…that is off the table,” he said.
Novak Djokovic, who is neither a migrant or an asylum-seeker, got what human rights organizations have repeatedly asked Governments for migrants and asylum-seekers: that deportations should be suspended until a judicial decision is issued.
— Felipe González Morales (@fglezmor) January 6, 2022
For now, Djokovic will hang out down under until the hearing resumes on Monday and is expected to stay in immigration detention at the Park Hotel in Carlton.
Djokovic’s dad has gone full Papa Bear and has publicly stated that he’s pissed off about the whole ordeal.
Srdjan Djokovic thinks the move isn’t about COVID or Novak but is politically motivated. To be fair, he’s probably not wrong. We all know Sco Mo isn’t always one for doing what’s best for the Australian public.
Daddy Djokovic held a press conference at his restaurant in Serbia and told reporters: “They’re keeping him in captivity,”

“They’re stomping all over Novak to stomp all over Serbia and Serbian people.”
“Serbia has always shown that he [Novak] comes from a proud nation.
“This has nothing to do with sports, this is a political agenda.
“Novak is the best player and the best athlete in the world, but several hundred million people from the West can’t stomach that.”
It’s sweet to see how protective Srdjan Djokovic is being and he’s probably not wrong about this being a political move but it would be absolutely wild if it was because Scotty simply couldn’t handle how good Novak is at tennis.