
Evie Irie delivers pop punk anthem ‘Berlin Bitch’

Evie Irie’s latest offering, ‘Berlin Bitch’, is a refreshing pop-punk anthem that’s as rebellious as it is unapologetic.

It’s a musical testament to those who prefer to live life on their own terms, shirking convention at every turn. This genre-blurring track is marked by its playful lyrics and Evie’s distinctive vocals, creating a sound that’s uniquely her own.

Following hot on the heels of ‘I Want It (Danny DeVito)‘, ‘Berlin Bitch’ continues to channel the spirited essence of 90s pop-punk, firmly solidifying its place in Evie’s evolving musical repertoire.

In her own words, Evie explains, “I wanted ‘Berlin Bitch’ to represent that thrilling and rebellious urge to say what you want, do what you want and give zero cares about the consequences”.

Born from a spontaneous guitar riff during a session with fellow artists Lola Scott and Xavier Dunn, ‘Berlin Bitch’ is a product of organic musical collaboration. As Evie recalls, “Xav and I had been working together for a couple of weeks at Garry Gary Beers from INXS’s studio, and Lola had joined us on the last day. We were all sitting around playing guitar and came up with the coolest riff, which laid down the foundation of the song.”

Elevated by a lively hyper-pop production and enriched by Lola Scott’s hypnotic backing vocals, the result is an infectious fusion of musical anarchy that’s sure to resonate with a generation yearning for genuine self-expression.


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