
The ‘Among Us’ team aren’t happy about the new ‘Fortnite’ game mode, Impostors

Among Us developers Victoria Tran and Adriel Wallick have taken to Twitter after Fortnite announced a brand new, very familiar Impostors game mode.

Fortnite has just released a brand new game mode it calls ‘Impostors’. Its main objective is a pretty familiar one: those in a group of up to ten agents are tasked with finding out who among them is an Impostor. Meanwhile, the Impostor’s job is to kill enough agents to take control of the The Bridge without being found out.

Sound familiar? Among Us developers Victoria Tran and Adriel Wallick certainly thought so when they logged into Twitter to share their thoughts. Tran in particular expressed both her sadness and disappointment in her own tweets, even suggesting that “it would’ve been really, really cool to collab” with Fortnite itself. An idea that would have been genuinely interesting to see and good publicity for both games.

Image: Innersloth LLC

Tran went on to note that the game mechanics of Among Us “shouldn’t be gatekept” considering its own similarities to the party game Mafia (otherwise known as Werewolf). However, she still argued that Fortnite should have at least tried to make the game mode more unique – or even called it something other than Impostors.


On her own account, Wallick mentioned “feeling pretty bummed” after hearing the news. In the same tweet, she went on to point out just how small the incident has made her feel.

Rather than state her opinions on the situation beyond that, she chose to share a web comic, plus a few emojis showing her frustration. Its message seems to imply that Fortnite’s Impostors mode felt like plagiarism.