Grevillea have delivered catchy pop-punk melodies and universal tales of romance on their latest single ‘Nothing At All’.
Packing a punch while also delivering infectious melodies, the track sees the Melbourne/Naarm trio rid themselves of a former flame, as soundtracked of eclectic pop punk stylings.
‘Nothing At All’ opens with driving bass courtesy of bandmate Ben Jobson, immediately establishing the garage-bound feel of the track with the assist of Dom Weber’s sunnier guitar melodies.
Weber, who also penned the track, adds texture with the infectious, punkish sneer of his vocals, which could easily feel at home on the soundtrack of an aughties teen movie.
For his part, drummer Harry Brown delivers propulsive beats and shimmering cymbals, rounding-out Grevillea’s mastery of free-wheeling pop punk.
This energy of ‘Nothing At All’ is fitting, since Weber and Brown first met on a fan forum for Green Day, a band whose influence is felt all throughout the track.
While all the staples of pop punk are there, from the energetic tempos to the kind of soaring hooks that are destined for earworm status, ‘Nothing At All’ isn’t afraid to venture into more diverse sounds.
There’s a distinct brit pop feel to the track, from its catchy guitar melodies to an upbeat rhythm that keeps the momentum going.
All of it culminates on the bridge, which forefronts Weber’s vocals before belting out an anthemic final chorus that’s altogether revelrous.
Grevillea’s commitment to their sound is also felt in their lyricism, which brims with romantic angst and charts their desire to let go of someone whose “been in my head for far too long.”
Reading like the sigh of relief that comes with finally moving on, the lyrics see Grevillea revel in the fact that “the words you say don’t mean nothing at all.”
“I don’t need to be afraid of you,” Weber croons in one of multiple sing-along refrains, “I’m a better man for letting go.”
It’s a kind of vulnerability that’s not often heard in the punk scene, but Grevillea wear their heart on their sleeve without losing sight of the genre’s head-thrashing fun.
“The song is about trying to let go of the emotional baggage that someone in my life left me with,” Weber explained in a press statement, “and not letting their ways get me down any longer.”
Listen to Grevillea’s new single ‘Nothing At All’ below.