
Happy’s Zen Horoscope (14th November – 20th November): Let the universe push you

Expect movement in the right direction this month, with a probably not so gentle shove from a partial Lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 19th.

It may potentially be a little jarring, but necessary, so may as well go with it and make some changes that will increase your overall well-being and happiness.

Any relationships, connections, or habits that lessen your sense of self-worth, need to go. Let the Universe push you towards making some changes to remove anything that has been blocking your path to personal stability and financial security. If you need a nudge, this is the eclipse that will guide you where you need to go. 



Travel is on the cards again, and about time am I right? There is a fast-paced energy to things this week as you go about engaging with the new feels that new places and new people bring. Expect to be busy, good busy, and allow this forward momentum to help you to achieve your goals in a much faster way than usual. Don’t waste energy on trying to slow things down either. Go with the flow, and let it push you forward.



There is a lot of mental clarity available to you, as you finally feel clear about anything that has been troubling you in recent weeks.  Like you’ve finally solved the answer to a riddle kind of feeling. Make the most of this new understanding, and meditate in small shorts burst throughout the week to keep your mind clear and focused.  Make the most out of your insights, and make changes for the greater good. 


This is a great week to gain some clarity around stability and security. Ask yourself questions like, how can I create more comfort that will be self-sustaining for the long term?  Use this timeframe to look at what you can do to bring about increased abundance and independence in all areas, emotionally, mentally, and financially. You needn’t go too far out of your comfort zone, for many, it may be as simple as increasing or decreasing in certain areas to improve things. 



This week sees a calling towards a new project. Don’t let fear stop you from pursuing your dreams. If you feel your inner critic come to the foreground, or if there are people in your life telling you that you’re crazy. Just stop, take a deep breath, and push ahead anyway. Because you don’t want to spend the rest of your life wondering what if? Whether it works or not is not the point, the point is that you gave it a go.


New perspectives are kind of like a breath of fresh air. So expect a hit of cool mountain freshness to come your way. Anything that has been making you feel stuck, is about to change. Use this week to pause, to ponder, and think about the things in your life that have been making you feel restricted or have been holding you back. Because it’s time for a shift,  and by giving these things a shake-up, you will literally be moving mountains. Or climbing a mountain, or whatever analogy it is that gets you going again. 




Sometimes, you need to change your perspective on things. Especially if you’ve found yourself blaming others for the problems in your life.  Chances are there is a lot that you can do to turn things around, so if you find yourself judging someone for something that you think that they should or shouldn’t be doing, stop that thought in its tracks and turn it back around towards yourself.  With a little introspection, you may find that it’s something that you need to own up to or take responsibility for, and anything that raises your self-awareness is a true blessing. 


You’ve achieved a lot, and you have a lot to be thankful for. You are experiencing a timeframe of comfort and stability and security. 

This is still a time of growth,  so take a moment to look at where you are at, and everything you have, and everyone that is in your life, and really feel the abundance of it all.  Take this feeling with you as you move forward, and go on to create even more prosperity and joy in your life, for yourself and those that you love. 


When it comes to making decisions for the future at this time, it’s best not to set anything in stone until you are clear about how your decisions may affect others, or what kind of long term repercussions they may have. Choose consciously, purposefully, intently,  and connect with your intuition to seek the answer that is in alignment with the greater good. You will know when you are clear because it will feel right. 


Uplevelling is on the cards. So do what you can to look at how you can let go of any unhealthy attachments, habits, or limiting beliefs that may have been holding you back. It may be an unfulfilling relationship or a career that you no longer love. Let go of fear and push past any limiting beliefs that have been standing in the way of your growth. 


Use moderation and purpose to stabilize your energy this week.  Take the middle path with anything that you feel highly emotional over. Be the peacekeeper and avoid any extremes. For team projects, include others to help bring everything together. With all of the various skill sets and talents, you can create harmony and true balance. 


When one door closes, another opens. Oh, man is there a lot to look forward to, and not only that, you’ve built enough security and stability that is only helping and not hindering to propel you forward. So use this energy and this time to give thanks for all that has come to pass, so that you can make space for all the newness that is on offer. Exciting times ahead Virgo, exciting times.


This week is all about aligning yourself with the future in a way that honours yourself, your talents, and your skills. If you are experiencing any imbalances this week, especially with regards to connections/people, look to see if it’s the kind of moment where not being on the same page passes, or if you actually are not in sync to the point that it’s time to move on separately. The best you can do is to bring love and compassion to the equation. Honour yourself and do what is best for the situation.