The 19th may see some growing frustrations over the next few weeks.
Venus Retrograde Begins In Capricorn and any challenges in your relationships will be highlighted, which can only help, not hinder. So instead of letting irritations get the better of you, make sure there is an equal distribution of balance to ensure that others are living up to their end of the bargain. The key to getting through this timeframe is to remember that you don’t have to do it all on your own.
The 21st brings in Capricorn season. Use Capricorn’s disciplined and focused energy towards your long-term plans to help you to stay on track. As long as you stay practical and realistic, you can’t go wrong. Planning ahead is your best friend at this time, specific and broader picture included, so before you get swept away with the holiday season, map out a plan for the year ahead, not just in your head but on paper, so that you can make your way towards the end of the year with satisfaction, safe in the knowledge that you have a solid plan for 2022.
What got you here, won’t get you there. So hit the pause button, and take some time away from your usual routine. Because this is the perfect opportunity to think about new and improved ways of doing things. Especially when it comes to achieving your long term goals. So take a break, ponder and muse your little heart out, and when you feel like you’ve hit on the right kind of energy shift that will pave the way for 2022, write it all down. Game, set, match.
Therapist: you’re a perfectionist
Capricorn: did you need a degree to figure that out— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) December 15, 2021
Old thought patterns need a kick to the curb. The more you worry about what can go wrong, the more likely you are to manifest it into reality and trust me, no one wants that. Break the cycle, whenever a negative thought comes to the foreground, replace it instantly with a positive one. The more you do this and bring into your daily practice, over time you will notice that the time between the negative thought rising, and the time it takes to replace it with a positive thought become shorter and shorter, until, eventually, you’ll have no negative thoughts at all. Isn’t that worth it itself to work on?
Aquarius being a fixed air sign is so funny like they’re really caught between caring and not giving a fuck
— melanie (@earthdombaby) December 14, 2021
A transformative week ahead. Use this time to think about what you may need to change in order to bring about a more satisfying life, personally and professionally. Out with the old and in with the new, so to speak. Sure change can be hard, but if you learn how to let go of old outgrown ways of doing things, and break any old habits that you know you have outgrown, you can move forward towards new experiences and new opportunities that are more in alignment with your higher purpose.
my love language is treat me like a princess or get out
— ︎ ꕥ (@pisceswrId) December 13, 2021
Sometimes, Aries, you need to really let other people do things. Stop looking over their shoulders, and stop thinking that in order to get things done right, you have to do everything yourself. Because you don’t, and when you feel that you do, you only create unnecessary stress for yourself for everyone around you. So do yourself a favour, take a break, step out of the office, the house, wherever you are, and go do something easy, something simple. Buy some flowers, buy an apple, whatever it is, make sure you do it. Because nobody likes a stress head.
There are times when you can’t get a feel for what to do next, but you know you need to make some changes, especially if you have been running on autopilot for a while. The best thing that I can do is embrace a bit of space. Use the opportunity to just get a feel for all of the possibilities that are out there, so that when you are ready you can settle on the right path for yourself. Take some time to examine the way you have been doing things up until now, so that if there are some changes that you need to make, you can make a team in alignment with your values.
#Taurus can be the sweetest person until you piss them off.
— Terms of Taurus (@TaurusTerms) December 15, 2021
There is a new code of conduct in the air. You’ll find yourself asking, what it means to work for the bigger picture, personally or professionally. It’s less about what you get out of it individually, and more about what you can contribute to the whole. With this new attitude, you can expect to enjoy increased happiness and stability. This is the perfect time to celebrate with you nearest and dearest, knowing that you are supporting those that you love and care about.
#Gemini females are not basic bitches.
— Terms of Gemini (@GeminiTerms) December 14, 2021
Don’t let your emotions get the better of you this week. Chances are you are letting your emotions color how you are perceiving a certain situation. Do go out of your way to use your head a bit more, to let logic rule. If you need to make some decisions, be as objective as you can. Because things are rarely as black
or white as you think they are, and it doesn’t hurt to remember that often, the way we perceive things are nothing more than judgments of our conditioning, and what we were raised to think is right or wrong.
dragging my Cancer friends out of the house on a Saturday night
— Co – Star (@costarastrology) December 14, 2021
Take 5 Leo, rest and meditate. Create some space to contemplate and review things. Because you are in the midst of changing things, any old habits that have gotten in the way of being the best that you can be. Because you will no longer be putting off tomorrow what you can do today. And that may require some thought. Before you action any meaningful change, go out of your way to rest and recharge. Prepare yourself to take on the next chapter, it’s going to be a big one, so you’ll need all the rest you can get.
Leo risings have such beautiful hair. It always stands out and it’s such a telling sign of their royal beauty.
— ★ The Witch Astrologer ★ (@astroeleanor) December 15, 2021
The only path to true success and fulfillment is by concentrating on what you do best, in your own unique way. If you are constantly looking to others to see how to do things, or comparing yourself, you will never be able to tap into how you do things in the best way that you know how. There will always be someone that is better, faster, stronger, or happier than you are, just as there will be those that are less in all those ways. But the only way to know who you are is not by comparing or competing, but by fulfilling your potential in your own way, that is singular and distinct to you.
Virgos always got to have that small little meeting with themselves.
— Earthy Virgo (@theearthyvirgo) December 16, 2021
The left brain rules organization, stability and logic. If you are dealing with any challenges this week, logic is your best tool. If others are looking to you for leadership, and you are busy elsewhere, think about training someone around you to take on a leadership role. After all, you are busy making an impact on the world in your own albeit, out of the spotlight kinda way, and sometimes in order to reach a bigger audience, you need a little help from those around you. So do think about how you can set up others to take the lead when you can’t, or just don’t want to.
You are coming into a time of transformation. Who you were before today is not who you will be tomorrow, because this timeframe is all about rebirth. And who does a comeback better than anyone? You do Scorpio, that’s who. It’s not always easy to grow and change, especially if you’ve been nursing an idea that you know in reality may never come to fruition. Know that there is a deeper reason behind it, and go on to embrace any changes that accommodate significant change, and let it pave the way forward.
If a Scorpio talks on the phone with you, they REALLY like you
— ScorpioBrasi (@iamsouljabrasi) December 14, 2021
A great week to focus on your inner strengths. Use this timeframe to work on your internal processes, and the way that prepares yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually before you action any plans you may have. Eliminate stress, meditatte, use visualization techniques, eat well, and spend as much time in mother nature as you can. Use this time to potentially incorporate a new plan, in particular, if there have been any obstacles or challenges that seem to be getting in the way, as this is also a good window for evaluation, or a change of direction if need be.
Sagittarius:There is no fool like an old fool..
— Horoscope Roulette (@HoroscopeRoule1) December 16, 2021