
Heartthrob Harry Styles announces new album, ‘Harry’s House’

Beloved superstar Harry Styles’ new album, Harry’s House, will feature 13 new songs and is set to release on May 20.

Watch where you step because Grammy Award-winning hunky heartthrob Harry Styles is dropping a new album, Harry’s House, on May 20, 2022. According to a press release, the follow-up to 2019’s Fine Line will feature 13 songs.

The album cover shows Styles standing on the ceiling of an upside-down living room beside a loveseat, chair, side table, and lamp. Styles stands absorbed, ruminating in denim flares and a flowing top.

Harry's House trailer
Harry’s House trailer. Credit: Youtube

Styles, 28, is an outspoken Joni Mitchell devotee and has borrowed his album title from the 1975 Joni Mitchell track, Harry’s House/Centrepiece, which appears on her album The Hissing of Summer Lawns.

In 2019, Styles told Rolling Stone that he “was in a big Joni hole”, while recording his sophomore album, Fine Line. The singer was so enamoured with her 1971 album, Blue, that he tracked down the woman who built Mitchell’s dulcimers in the 1960s and commissioned her to build replicas, which he used on Canyon Moon, from Fine Line.

Joni Mitchell, 78, gave Styles her full approval, retweeting the album announcement with, “love the title”. The singer has been heavily influenced by 70s California rock on previous albums, citing Van Morrison as well as Crosby, Stills, and Nash as influences.

In 2020, Stevie Nicks told Vogue of her and Styles’ close friendship, stating that they’re both “old school, but still modern”. “He’s the type of person you’d wanna live next door to. He’d look out the window, see you having a hard time planting flowers, and rush out asking, ‘Can I help you with those roses? ‘Sure, but you are Harry Styles, right?’ That’s who he is.”

Styles performed Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain every night of his first solo tour, hammering home his deep love for the rock ‘n’ roll of yesteryear.

Can we expect more modern takes on classic rock luminaries on Styles’ upcoming album? Impossible to say, but we’re sure it’ll be crafted with care and love.

Watch the Harry’s House trailer, which features an excerpt from the album in reverse, below.

Now, check out what it sounds like when it’s played backwards for a real insight into the album.