Sticky Fingers has the music community up in arms, and for no small reason. Find all the controversy right here as the details continue to unfold.
Yesterday, fans of Sticky Fingers from the world over had a bombshell dropped on them – as of the end of 2016, the Sydney scallywags would be going on an indefinite hiatus.
While their music has reached millions, the lads from Newtown have forever been known to live on the wild side. Their lead singer Dylan Frost has remained the most infamous, with various reports of his behaviour making their way through the music industry as Chinese whispers.
Since the band’s recent announcement, there’s been more than enough controversy, inconveniently spread over a mess of links, deleted Facebook posts and the hundreds of websites eating up the news.

First things first – here’s the band’s announcement that they’ll be going on hiatus:
After that had sat for a little while, the other player in this controversy emerged. As reported by Music Feeds, Thelma Plum took the opportunity to call Frost out for his behaviour, accusing him of constant bullying and violence towards women.
Mentioning an incident between herself and Frost as well as earlier issues he’d had (namely racist comments towards Dispossessed frontman Birrugan Dunn-Velasco), the internet was set afire with both hatred towards Frost as well as feisty defenders of his name.
Only once he had been called out, Frost issued a further statement through Sticky Fingers’ Facebook page:
The reactions to this post basically confirmed Thelma Plum’s standings – Frost’s status remains built upon a culture of apologies and excuses that stand in the way of accountability. Mental health is a monster in the music industry, but if the reason for his band’s hiatus was Frost’s behaviour and not open-ended ‘internal issues’, then maybe their first announcement should have read that way.
Thelma Plum has since shared the details of her incident with Frost, once again reported by Music Feeds. See the Facebook post below:
The story is still unfolding, and it’s clear there’s been plenty happening behind closed doors over the years.
With only a few shows left on Sticky Fingers’ roster before the end of the year, it’s likely they’ll be under harsh surveillance for their behaviour.
They haven’t cancelled any shows, but for now, Beyond the Valley will be their last show for a long time.