Ever wondered how the prince of darkness, Nick Cave, spends Christmas? Perhaps he sits with his family around the Christmas tree with his family exchanging presents, as most people do. Or perhaps he uses the occasion to think up his next twisted murder ballad…
Well now, Cave has revealed exactly how he spends his Christmas day… and it’s the most Nick Cave thing imaginable.
In the latest installment of his Red Right Hand Files series, Nick Cave revealed exactly how he spends Christmas. It’s the most Nick Cave thing ever.
In the latest installment of his Red Right Hand Files, Cave spoke at length about Christmas, Christianity, and Christ. Speaking specifically about how he planned to spend Christmas, however, Cave wrote:
“As Christianity retreats back into the churches and cathedrals, as all conspicuous notions of Christ fade from our culture, and Christmas becomes the sole province of a roly-poly man in a Coca-Cola red suit (whose days may also be numbered) I will visit a church this Christmas; I will kneel before the fading vestiges of an outmoded idea called spiritual transcendence and our beautiful and moving attempt to humanise the ecstatic cosmic drama, and I will pray.”
Of course that’s how Nick spends Christmas. How could we ever have expected anything else?
Read the full letter here.