
Hey producers, you can now harness the cavernous reverb of this abandoned Cold War spy tower for free

During the Cold War, the NSA built a spy tower on top of a hill called Teufelsberg (German for Devil’s Mountain) for listening in to Soviet communications in the East. Now, more than 50 years later, it lies abandoned and useless. Well, not entirely.

Two years ago, online mastering service Balance Mastering set out to harness to cavernous environment of the Teufelsberg listening station for a different purpose: its reverb.


Ever had a really specific need for the reverb sounds of an abandoned Cold War spy tower? Well, now there’s a plug-in for it.

The company is now offering what they’re calling the TeufelsbergReverb, a free plug-in that captures all the reflective impulse responses of the tower and makes its cavernous reverberations easily avaliable to producers.

The software is open-source and features six different reverb types based on different impulse responses from the tower, and is avaliable as a convenient VST plug-in for Mac, Windows and Linux.

Have a listen to the plug-in in action below. You can download it for free here.

Reverb is fun.