Slick Arnold are one of those bands that you see on stage at a smallish pub show and just wish they had the means to wow audiences with dazzling club shows or open air festival escapades. It’s clear that upon these tiny stages they just want to break their stasis and create an on stage presence similar to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
By the way (see what I did there?) if you thought Adelaide, South Australia was difficult enough of a place to get absolutely anywhere in the music scene you’ll be surprised to hear that this alternative three piece comes from the Barossa Valley, a whole two and a half hours away from any form of metropolitan life or playable venue.
Hey, Slick Arnold! These football heads know how to put together a sweet EP. Check out these Adelaideans sophomore release One.
Growing up in this leafy coven best known for wine the whole world over can’t have been half bad though, as Slick Arnold are at the forefront of contemporary rock and roll in South Australia. They possess the freshest, crispiest, grooviest sound going around, and the tightness and cohesion of each musician together is rather ridiculous, and the vocal range of front man slash lead guitarist Jack Crawford is through the roof.
One is the follow up to Slick Arnold’s 2012 debut A Watch and a Grape. Keeping in line with previous tradition the effort was recorded and produced at a home studio, without the aid of a technician. The EP is a concise and humble representation of Slick Arnold’s talent. There is no presence of over the top ego boosting or technical wankery. One really focuses on thick guitar riffs, catchy hooks and funky breakdowns. The five track is compact, and for use of a superiorly subjective adjective – just plain juicy!
One opens with Sleep. This track has a repetitious bass line that will have your head bopping from side to side and a grin spreading across your face. Combined with wobbly guitar twangs and a steady rock beat this tune will throw you quickly back and forth between its verse and chorus, which matches powerful lyrics with fast fills and piercing grooves.
Dinosaurs is the most single worthy track on the release, with a memorable riff and vocal pattern that will surely get the girls swooning. The pace slows down before breaking into an absolutely sing along chorus. The vocal performance is super emotive and it bleeds through to touch you in theheart. After a second chorus the song throws a curveball, launching in to the most hot damn swanky-ass breakdown that will have funk pouring out your eyeballs, complete with a John Frusciante-esque solo. I find myself singing the chorus to myself all the time, and you will too!
We Bricked brings on a jumpy half time groove and a heavier chorus, it’s almost akin to an upbeat Primus track. No Guns, No Knives, No Hand Grenades brings forth an interesting sense of progression and an honourable message. As the verse travels through three distinct sections, the atmosphere rises to a peak before breaking into the chorus. The song also boasts an interesting bass driven bridge and stand out guitar solo of the whole EP. The interplay between instruments is just great.
Goodnight Joanne continues the trend of fresh innovation. Slick Arnold are great in the sense that they are so familiar, but without ever having to have heard anything like them before. They fill the void man! The closing track ends the EP on a far more sentimental note, especially in the chorus. This is juxtaposed with the craziest bridge in the whole EP and makes for a super interesting track. Bring on the cowbell!
One is a great EP, and Slick Arnold are an extremely impressive band. You can find their music on their Bandcamp profile. Or head over to their Facebook page to stay up to date all their happenings.
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